Welfare of the Unborn Child
Help me to learn more about the cause of miscarriage
Get Involved!​
I would love for you to help me learn more about the experience of miscarriage.
I know life circumstances, childhood experiences, and emotional beliefs are unique to each person, but it is my goal to gather enough data from mothers and fathers who experience miscarriage, in order to uncover common themes.
I have designed a survey which I hope will provide the opportunity for you to share how your miscarriage/s affected you, and uncover some personal beliefs surrounding the event. You can remain anonymous if you wish.
I am currently working from a hypothesis generated from my own experience and from what I have learnt thus far about God's universal laws. There is the possibility that I will discover new information in the future and have to update information on my website and questions in the survey. This is an experiment!
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to ask for any clarifying information after you have completed the survey, please feel free to contact me via the contact form.
I hope to add a survey specifically for men in the near future.
For mothers who have experienced a miscarriage, please click on the link below to begin the survey. Thankyou for you time.